Adorno mini-workshop #1 8/28/17

Many of you have approached me and asked me about doing adornos. What movements "should" you do? How many? When? How do you get comfortable waving your feet around? Since I've taken a break from my Body Dynamics class (which started as a follower technique class), I have not taught an adornos class for a while, so....

I will be teaching several adorno workshops over the course of the fall. Each one will be stand-alone, but together, they will cover ALL of the adornos I have learned, tips for practicing, tips for using them, etc. Using adornos well is an art, and the best compliment I have ever received in Buenos Aires was from another teacher who told me after our first dance that I adorned not just with my feet, but with my soul! Oh yeah!

  • Please sign up and pay ahead of time on my website registration page.
  • Cost: $25. Pay & pre-register by cash or check before August 21st: $20.
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Time: 7-8:30 PM
  • Limit: 10 participants (first ten to pay are in the class)
  • Location: 4315 NE Garfield Ave.
  • Bring socks & your dance heels, and dress for stretching/drills on floor :-)