Going online

With coronavirus here, we need to find a new way to continue our dancing and learning. In the past five days, I have bought equipment, learned new software and begun to teach online. There is a learning curve, for sure, but I am relieved to see how much can be done remotely.

For those of you who come to group classes every week and have a punchcard to use up, I have an offer for you: 15-minute online private lessons = 1 group class on your punchcard, until you use it up! Think of it as a way to jumpstart your practice. We all know it’s hard to get going on individual workouts: I can help! Schedule a time, install Zoom on your computer, and we are ready!

For my private lesson students, you can continue to do your weekly lesson (or whatever your regular schedule is with me), but online. You may take your lessons in 15-, 30- or 60- minute chunks. Buying lessons by the hour or by the 5-hour chunk is much more affordable than a one-shot deal, as usual. You may buy lessons and gift them to your friends! I am here for you.

New students: Try me out! I have several students who have already started online, and I would be happy to connect you so they can tell you how it went, without me listening in :-)

Although I am still working out kinks in teaching online, I have taught dance since 1986, and I can see a lot and correct a lot of technique via video. The only part I can’t do, is dance with you (although someone led a front ocho today while working on musicality, and it was so clear that I automatically DID a front ocho while watching him!).

We are all in this strange new world together. Let me know what you want/need online, and I will try to provide it.