
Every few years, I read something that makes me think, “Oh! I should have been a . . . (fill in the blank)!” Right now, I am learning about Moishe Feldenkrais. I studied his work in graduate school when doing my master’s in dance, but the information didn’t really stick. It is sticking now, and I am fascinated both by Feldenkrais himself, and by what his work accomplished ahead of science’s embrace of neuroplasticity.

Nerding is my happy place

I have found that I take in information better when moving my body since I am a kinesthetic learner. I take long walks with audiobooks, and what I hear only stays with me this way. Otherwise, I am an “in one ear, out the other” person when it comes to aural learning.

For a fast read and valuable information, I highly recommend both of Norman Doidge’s books on neuroplasticity. I own both but borrowed them from the library to listen to the audiobook version, as that helps me get my exercise AND my learning: double nerding!!

Takeaway for today

Most of what Feldenkrais taught is somewhat of a “duh, I knew that!” and yet I am still amazed at HOW he integrated information and bodies. I am in awe!

So here is what I have for you today:

  • Your best learning happens when you are relaxed, using your parasympathetic nervous system instead of feeling tense.

  • All movements affect the entire body, even minute adjustments you think happen only in one part of yourself.

  • Think “improving” instead of “fixing” or “correcting” yourself.

  • Let your body explore an idea, rather than trying to force your body to repeat exactly the “right” thing: babies learn by experimentation, and so do adult bodies!

Applying Feldenkrais to tango: it’s an exploration!

In my most recent private lesson this morning, we laid on the floor, released the body, and explored twists and contrabody. Then, we danced, experiencing that standing up, without trying to lead or follow any specific moves. We worked on strategies for allowing the body to pivot more easily for turns (as opposed to forcing twists), went back to the floor, and back up to dancing. Suddenly, everything feels great!

Be prepared to play and explore in class tonight!